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Eco Green Roof Shelter 1

Trueform’s eco green roof bus shelters help promote public transport usage.

Made from recycled materials, our range includes options for ‘green roofs’ and 'living walls'
that help reduce CO2 emissions, purify air and provide ideal habitats for our endangered
insects & wildlife.


Example specification of a eco green roof bus shelter:

  • GT4 Extensive Roof Garden Substrate - A lightweight growing media for green roofs

  • Nophadrain - Helps provide a root resistant waterproof drainage systems

  • Tillers Flora Meadow - 80% Wildflower, 20% Grass Turf - Helps to establish wildflower and encourage native pollinating insects.

Notable performance benefits of green roofs and living walls:

  • By installing a green roof onto the shelter, it is offering UV protection and prevents freeze thaw weathering as the plants absorb the elements and use them to grow.

  • The addition of a green roof absorbs sounds and provides a quieter environment inside the shelter as the layer of soil and plants can reflect and absorb up to 30% of noise pollution

  • Green roofs absorb heat on a hot day and as the specifically selected green roof modules retain rainwater, they have a cooling effect and the plants absorb that heat keeping the shelter cool. In the cooler months the plants keep the shelter warm preventing snow and ice from build-up.

  • Even an economic benefit has been found with a positive impact on property value in locations where green roofs have been installed.

  • Better air quality – moss has been identified as the best air cleansing and oxygenating capabilities of any plant

  • Less airborne dust – moss is colonised by bacteria which can decompose a huge variety of potentially dangerous contaminants such as aerosols, carbon particulates, smoke particles, chemical dust, moulds, and fumes

  • Stabilises moisture levels – helps stabilise moisture levels to maintain a relative humidity of between 40 and 60 percent. When humidity rises above 17 grams/cu. meter, moss will absorb moisture from the air. When humidity drops below 12 grams/cu. meter mosses humidify the air by releasing moisture back into the environment

  • Lower carbon dioxide levels – Moss absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, playing a significant role in the carbon cycle as it absorbs carbon dioxide faster than any other matter

  • Noise – Studies have shown that plants can reduce ambient noises in offices by as much as 5 decibels, the same principle applies with moss naturally blocking out high-frequency sounds

Need Help?


All of our shelters are available in range of sizes, configurations, materials, finishes and colours.


Our technical sales team are available to discuss your requirements in more details.


Contact us now for latest pricing and offers.

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0208 561 4959

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